Club 326

  • General After School Care
CVLCC Middle School: 380 3rd Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910, USA
Jul 19 2023
Jun 05 2024


  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 

After school

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Friday: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

5 days of the week.
4 days of the week.
3 days of the week.
2 days of the week.
1 day of the week.


CVLCC Middle - Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
The YMCA programs are operated in partnership with the Chula Vista Learning Community Charter and are designed to supplement the academic school day. They are offered free of charge to those families who are enrolled. The funding provided by the state of California mandates that certain attendance criteria be followed.

Payment period



Application must be completed and submitted by Parent or Legal Guardian. Please complete the online application.

One form per participant.


First priority for program enrollment will go to students who are identified by the program as “homeless youth” (as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act) at the time that they apply for enrollment or at any time during the school year, and to students who are identified by the program as being in foster care.

If the program receives more applications than spaces available, priority for participation and waiting list will be given to applications based on the time of submission. Once the CLUB 326 Program has reached its capacity, students not accepted for participation will be placed on a wait list and will be accepted as space becomes available.


Aplicación para el programa CLUB 326 2023-2024

La aplicación debe ser completada y entregada por el padre o guardián legal. Las aplicaciones impresas, ilegibles o incompletas serán descartadas.

Una forma por participante.


La primera prioridad para la inscripción en el programa será para los estudiantes identificados como "jóvenes sin hogar" (según lo define la Ley federal de asistencia para personas sin hogar McKinney-Vento) en el momento en que soliciten la inscripción o en cualquier momento durante el año escolar ya los estudiantes que son identificados por el programa como en esatdo de cuidado de crianza.

Si el programa recibe más solicitudes que espacios disponibles, se dará prioridad de participación y lista de espera a las solicitudes en el orden en el que fueron recibidas. Una vez que el Programa CLUB 326 haya alcanzado su capacidad, los estudiantes que no sean aceptados para participar serán colocados en una lista de espera y serán aceptados cuando haya espacio disponible.


Participants must be entering grades 7 to 8.

Registration period

Registration starts on 07/10/2023 and ends on 06/05/2024.

Participants may register at any time during this period.

In-person location

CVLCC Middle School: 380 3rd Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910, USA

Room: Multi-Purpose Room

Registration closed.